Error occurred while installing the update:
Failed Signature Verification
This is because, as per the Adobe website:
All ColdFusion updates are now signed with the new code signing certificate because of a code signing certificate revocation.
To solve this issue, you must install the Coldfusion Mandatory Update, which you may find on the Adobe website at the following address:
Look for the ColdFusion 10 Mandatory Update (JAR, 5MB) link further down the page and click to download.
Once you have downloaded the Java Archive (JAR) file, install it by following the directions at the following web address:
To make sure that the update was properly installed, access the Coldfusion Administrator and go to the Settings Summary page under the Settings section. On the System Information section, in the Server Details table, check that the Version is set to either ColdFusion 10,283111 or ColdFusion 10,282913. If so, the update was properly installed and you may now apply the pending updates on the Updates page.
Be reminded that each latest update released includes all fixes from its predecessors, meaning, if the latest update is Update 10 you may directly proceed to install it without needing to first install updates 1-9.